
Preaching Mark is unavailable, but you can change that!

This new resource examines the major literary units and unique perspective of Mark’s Gospel to help the pastor in sermon preparation. Thurston guides the reader through each of the lectionary readings, attempting to answer the questions: • Why did Mark preserve this story? • Why was it important for his community? • What does it mean for us today? Included in each chapter are suggestions...

rectitude of some sort, of properly observing the “do’s and don’ts.” This provides yet another opportunity to disabuse members of that serious but very common error. Juxtaposing the opening of the text and its closing, I personally am taken by the image of the “Pharisees and some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem” apparently to “fact find,” but more accurately to “find fault.” Instead of self-examination, of being sure that what they said they believed and what they did was consistent, they
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